My journal holds my stories and the inner weavings of my heart. It knows everything about me and gives me space to bravely show up and spill open. I can tell anything to those pages and it will soak it up. There is no judgment or talking back, just an open space that I can fall deeply into.
I have been journaling ever since I was young. Scribbling down thoughts about my crushes and writing about my deepest fears and dreams. There is no story that is off limits. I tell the truth, the whole messy heart wrenching truth. I work through the darkness and come out on the other side a little bit lighter.
When I was younger I thought there was something wrong with me because I struggled to form sentences when I was going through something deep and emotional. I would try to piece together the words but they never came out right. During one difficult moment my boyfriend at the time saw me struggling deeply so he urged me to pull out my notebook and write. I wrote and wrote getting it all out of me. Once I was finished writing we sat down and talked about it and I could actually form sentences and speak, it was incredible. Showing up on the page first gave me the opportunity I needed to process and understand exactly what I was feeling. Once I had that space cleared I could articulate what I was going through and we were able to have a really good conversation about it.
It was in that moment I learned there was nothing wrong with me, I just needed time to process what I was feeling. The page gives me this opportunity to show up and say everything that is in my heart. I can write about my deepest and darkest fears. I can write about the things I feel others may judge me on. I can write and write. Once I get it all out of me my head is clear and I am able to have a discussion about it.
The page is my best friend. It is the place I turn to first. It is where I process all of my feelings and figure out my next steps. My writing is messy. There are incomplete sentences and misspellings. There are cross outs, times where I begin again, and other moments where I stop half way through. It is raw, real, and beautiful. It is exactly how I feel in that moment. It is my heart spilled onto the page.
I am grateful to have this space to turn to. Grateful that it allows me the opportunity to be brave. It is always there waiting for me and I carry it around with me wherever I go because I never know when an emotion, feeling or story will need to be told. It is my security blanket in a world of uncertainty.
Yes, journaling is how I come home to myself time and time again.
Journaling is one of my self care practices. It is the thing I turn to time and time again. There may be long stretches where I do not show up, but I know that my journal is always there waiting for me with wide open arms.
My Brave Journaling class is back for another installment and I couldn't be happier. It has been incredible to see the way other individuals open up to the page and dive on in. From first hand experience I know that journaling is healing and seeing that healing take place in others is pure magic.
This class is for YOU if you are:
- Interested in self-exploration and learning how to use writing as a tool to help you heal and dream
- Looking to unearth your stories
- Wanting to learn how to see the page as a friend and not an intimidating blank space
- Looking to learn how to write from a place from a place of honesty and compassion
- Curious about writing
First time journalers and seasoned writers are welcomed.