I believe that you find your way to where you need to be and someway, somehow you landed here. Exactly where you are meant to be.

Welcome! I’m Jennifer Belthoff; a writer, podcaster, and heart-centered guide here to help you unearth how to be present in your life so you can make the changes you are craving and begin living in the life you are longing for.

I believe that we aren’t meant to travel this journey alone. We can do so much more when we come together.

I believe that YOU deserve to unlock your true happiness. I am here to provide tools to help you navigate your path forward as you peel away the armor covering your heart and step into your inner light.

I invite you to settle in and look around.

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It’s important to know that you don’t have to take the journey alone. I am here with YOU! To walk beside you and provide support as you find your way. Explore the different offering’s I have to nurture your growth and know that we are in this TOGETHER. I look forward to connecting with YOU!