lets circle together

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At the end of July, I lead my last Write Together class on Zoom. We had been gathering weekly for 16 months but it was time for a pause. Time to slow down, travel, gather with family, regain my own footing and follow the joy inside my heart.

The pause was what I needed. I filled my well in more ways than I can count by grounding my feet into the earth, being basked in the warm glow of sunshine, laughing until tears fell from my eyes, exploring new places, and seeing familiar spaces with a new perspective.

And now I am here. In this moment. Unsure how to begin again.

Before the pause, I was in a groove. Writing my own story. But now that the pen has been put down I am unsure how to pick it up again. What words would I write? What story would I want to tell? Where would I be taken?

Have you ever stopped something you enjoyed and felt unsure how to start again? That is exactly how I am feeling at this moment. Unsteady on my feet. Wanting to plan for the future but am unsure what those plans look like.

Luckily I am surrounded by a brilliant community that sees where I am even when I am not saying a word. This community reminds me that we don’t have to take the journey alone. We can begin again together.

And that is exactly what we will do. We will start again, wherever we are.

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Join Tara & I for an evening of circling together. Where comfy clothes. Bring along a journal & pen, a cup of tea or glass of wine, and gather with those who have been missing you.

Through writing and conversation, we will navigate where you have been and where you may want to go. Sometimes the hardest part is beginning. Let's begin again together.

Wednesday, October 6th
7-8:30 PM

lucky star camp

After over a year and a half of connecting through the digital world, I am beyond excited to announce that I will be teaching two classes at Lucky Star Art Camp! Camp takes place November 3rd - 7th in Hunt Texas and I would love to see YOU there.

Lisa is still working tirelessly to get the site updated but camp is happening! Sign up deadline is October 16th!

Imagine gathering together. Creating alongside one another. Sharing thoughts, ideas, inspiration. Telling stories. Laughing long into the night. And simply just being in community with each other. I know it is going to be dreamy.

soulfull writing

When you give yourself permission to spill open, soul-full words pour out. You do not need to be a writer to write soulfully. What you need is a desire to unravel what is deep inside. In this class, you will learn about creating a journaling practice and how to write from the heart. There will be time for writing as you lean into prompts and exercises to break through the protective wall we all have built around our heart. Plus, an opportunity to create your own prompt cards that can be used over and over again.

soul care field guide

Through writing, painting, and collage you will remember what it feels like to play as you create your personal field guide. This journal will become a reflection of what lights you up and become a tool you can reference again and again on your path forward. It will be a beautiful reminder of the joy that breathes in your heart as you fill it with words and images that are a reflection of the radiant spirit you are. You will tuck this guide in your bag to take home so that you can reference it whenever you feel yourself stumbling. It is a beautiful reminder of the light you shine in this world.

It has been a long time since I have carved out time for myself and attended a retreat. I know my mind, body, and soul need this more than ever. The past year and a half took a toll on me and it’s time to reground and come back to center.

Being in community heals. It provides space to show up exactly as you are. An opportunity to slow down and regroup. And chance to fill your own well which is needed from time to time.

I hope you will join me either on Zoom, at Lucky Star or over on the Soul Circle Community space. We need each other more than ever. Let’s be together and begin again.

jennifer belthoff

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lets hang out together on Instagram: @jbelthoff

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