showing up with love & kindness
/As a LOVE Champion I believe strongly in showing up to life with compassion. Human beings all have the same innate desire to be seen, to be heard, to be loved. We all want to be in community with others and find a space where we are comfortable and confident standing in our own light.
However, it is not always easy to show up with love. When someone has caused you pain, chosen to judge you, or won’t invite you into their space the hurt can sting and bubble up. This pain causes a ripple effect where you make your own judgements and shut yourself down. But what if instead of standing in the pain you chose to rise above and choose love?
“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”
You have the power to choose how you are going to react to a situation. You can choose to show up with love or hate. You can choose to listen or shut it out. You can choose to invite someone in or close the door on them.
Not everyone will agree with you. Not everyone will act the way you want them to. Not everyone will do what you thought they would. But you have the power to choose your reaction. The mind is a powerful tool.
The Law of Attraction is the belief that what we focus on we attract. If you focus on the negative you invite more negativity into your life. If you think you can’t do something you’ve already started three steps back and have a bigger mountain to overcome. But if you shift your thinking and choose to seek out the positive and show up with compassion you invite more love and kindness into your world.
It is not always easy to do, especially when things are rough and you struggle to find the good. One of my go to self-care life changing practices during these difficult moments has been Metta Meditation. This type of meditation is intended to evoke a feeling of love and kindness for yourself and others.
Here’s how it works. Start by getting into a comfortable position. Let your body rest and relax. Let go of any expectations you have. Gently close your eyes and repeat the following words as you picture yourself.
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I be joyful
May I be peaceful & at ease
You begin with yourself because you can’t love others unless you love who you are. For three minutes {or any amount of time that feels right for you} repeat these phrases. After focusing on yourself choose someone you love. Picture this person in your mind and repeat the same phrases.
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you be joyful
May you be peaceful & at ease
After you have focused on someone that you love think of a person in your life who you are struggling with. Picture them in you mind and repeat the same phrases holding close love and kindness for them. After you have focused on this person shift to a broader picture of everyone in the world and repeat the same phrases.
As you go through this meditation you are opening up your heart and sending out love and kindness. This meditation can be done anywhere and you can choose the phrases that you want to say. It does not have to be exactly what is above, choose what you need.
The other day my heart was feeling rather dark. I was going down the rabbit hole of judgement and getting frustrated over the situation. As I sat in the nail salon I choose to do this meditation rather than continue to get upset. It was incredible how focusing on love helped lift the darkness that was swirling. I left the nail salon smiling from ear to ear and feeling so much lighter.
It may be difficult at first to send love to the person you are struggling with, but remember they are human and we don’t know all that they are struggling with. But what we are able to do is send them a bit of love and kindness.
This meditation has been life changing for me. It has taught me to slow down and choose love over anger. It has helped me release my mind of judgment and choose compassion. I feel so much better after I do it.
The world could use all the love that people are willing to give. By doing this meditation you are choosing love! Go ahead and give it a try! Would love to hear how you felt after in the comments below.