looking back on my word of the year

Each year I choose a word to tuck into my pocket and carry with me.  A word I want to manifest, lean into, and experience more of.  In December of 2019, I sat in a circle of women folding paper stars to tuck our words into. I wasn’t exactly sure what my word for the new year was so I kept folding.  Kept listening to each woman share about their word and why they choose it. 

Folding and listening there was one single word that was playing on repeat in my head.  My word kept repeating itself inside me until I spoke it out loud.  The word was: 


Here is what I wrote inside my star on that December day.  

Light.  Growth.  Strength.  Divinity.  Courage.  Connection.  

A year of allowing myself to shine brilliantly.  To unleash what I have tucked away and share, connect.  A time for bringing people in.  Providing light and shining light.  A time to step out of the hustle and bustle and into exactly what I am meant to be doing.  

Abundance.  Beauty.  Joy.  Kindness. Strength.  Love.  

Being seen as a Guide.  A Community Cultivator.  Creating the opportunity for others to experience their own divinity.  To open up, begin again, and step into their authentic selves.  

Create a place for community grace.  Soul Circle.  Coming together. Sharing. Guiding.  Leading.  

Shining my light and allowing other people space to shine their own brilliant light.  

Being a lightworker in this world. 


Reading what my intentions were last December tears fill my eyes for all that manifested in the most beautiful and unexpected ways.  The hustle and bustle I was feeling in 2019 came to a halt when I began working from home at the end of March.  No longer was I running from one thing to the next.  I settled into new rhythms and routines, loving having the opportunity to slow down and not need to be anywhere except exactly where I was.  

In a time of darkness for our country and the world, light poured out from my heart and into the places I stood.  When the country was shutting down I was opening up my own little virtual space and inviting others into my room to write, to create, to move.  I taught a countless number of classes online and met the most amazing, incredible souls.  I am so grateful for technology and the way it gives us the ability to connect with others wherever they are.  

I took leaps on things that I have been wanting to do for so long like starting the Soul Circle Community and hosting a podcast.  The Community space has been a long, long time dream of mine.  I am grateful for all the individuals who show up there and share their hearts.  We all need a place we can land.  A place we can turn to when things are rough, but also when they are really good and we want to celebrate.  That is what Soul Circle is.  A community space you can lean into as you navigate your journey through life.  Because we aren’t meant to travel alone.  If you haven’t joined us over there, hop on over and say hello.  I have so many exciting things planned for 2021!   

The Soul Circle Podcast was a total leap of faith. A way to challenge myself and use my voice. It is exciting and scary and something I am so glad I did because I am learning a ton. I look forward to how it evolves and iterates and can’t wait to be able to share interviews with you. You can listen wherever you like to listen to your favorite podcast.

I feel deep in my heart that I truly stepped into my LIGHT this year.  Standing tall in who I am.  Unearthing what it is I am meant to do in the world and then going for it.  For so long I have been looking for myself.  Trying to unearth who I am, what I believe, what I stand for, what my gifts are.  And I know that will be a forever journey but I feel deep in my heart that I have finally found my way home.  Home to myself.  What a beautiful place to be.  

I don’t know what the future has in store but even if for just today I am going to take a moment to celebrate all that I accomplished this year.  All the chances I took, the way I navigated the unknown, the fumbles and failures, the success and connections.  Building community.  Sinking into love.  Cultivating a stronger bond with Dustin.  Watching my family come together when things got so hard.  Being with my Father after his difficult journey. Laughter over Zoom.  Witnessing my Girl Scouts smile, learn and connect with one another.  Taking walks.  Being outside.  

2020 was a wild ride.  One that tested me immensely but also gave me space to blossom and become. For that, I am incredibly grateful.  I shined my LIGHT and encouraged others to do the same.  2020 a year of bringing the light in the darkness.  

Now on to figuring out what my word will be for 2021!

Do you choose a word each year? If you do, share in the comments below what your word was and how it transpired this past year.

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I want to say yes to

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I want to say YES to sinking into joy and not worrying about what others think of me. As the saying goes;

“dance as if no one is watching”

I want to say YES to that unbridled freedom that comes from unlocking the door. The door I have bolted shut in front of my heart and soul so that only invited guests could see what was behind it.

I want to to give in to the joy like it is something I deserve because gosh darn it, I deserve it!

Laughing, singing, dancing.

Why do I hold back? When I’m at a red light why do I stop singing? Why do I hide my JOY?

Joy isn’t meant to be in the shadows. It is something to share, to savor. It is contagious

It’s time to say yes, a whole-hearted yes to JOY.

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Writing Prompt

What are you ready to say yes to? Don’t hold back? Grab your pen and paper and put it down. Putting something down helps put it into motion. It’s time to put it into motion

I am saying yes to ….

Not sure where to begin? Start by making a list. A list is a perfect entryway to getting something down on the page.

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Let’s Get Together {virtually}

The prompt above was from the Write Together Community class that I host each Monday night. It’s a space for people to come together and spill words onto the page. No prior writing experience is required. Come and join us!

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if I could tell you one about me


If I could tell you one about me, it would be that it took me a long time to unlock my inner happiness. I may look like I have it all together, but being able to stand where I am today took a lot of work. I stumbled, lost my way, made mistakes, thought for sure I was getting it right but really had it all wrong. I learned so much on the journey.

I’m still not exactly sure when I finally “got it”. Maybe that’s because it’s not a one and done lesson learned. It’s something that requires intention, compassion, and the ability to be vulnerable.

I learned that the key to my happiness is leaning into who I truly am and then not being fearful to share that spunky, colorful, radiant person with the world.

To stand tall, head held high, shoulders back, smiling wide as I walk into a room and don’t feel the need to alter or change but to proudly be me.

I need to share my perspective because it is unique to the life experiences I have and the lessons I learned. I need to love the way I do. Bringing someone close by touching their arm, listening intently, and laughing with my whole heart. I need to share my excitement around my passion for writing, my dream to build a community filled with connection and my love of being outside. I need to not shy away when the spotlight is on me but stand in my light and shine.

Because being true to ourselves is the biggest gift we can give to the world. No one sees things the way you do. No one experiences things the way you do. No one else is YOU! And who you are, how you feel, the way you show up … it matters. All of YOU matters.

It’s important to stand in your light. To show the world the beautiful, divine, unique radiance that only you hold. When you stand in your joy you inspire and invite others to do the same. You carve the path forward by showing them that it is possible. You become a beacon in the dark times.

I know, it’s not always easy. We are constantly tested. Pushed to our limits. Challenged time and time again. But I see your strength. I know your worth. And I feel how deeply the world needs you. Not the you who is pretty and polished after you showered, put on your favorite outfit, and a hint of lipstick. No, not that version. But the raw authentic you that just rolled out of bed. Hair messy, still in your pj’s, fluttering your eyes open, ready to take on the world. You are the one the world is waiting for. You are the one who is filled with brilliance, courage, and compassion.

It’s time we all stepped into our own inner happiness, paving the way for others to do the same.

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Writing Prompt

if you had the chance to tell someone just one thing about you, what would it be? Begin writing with the following words and see what spills open.

If I could tell you one thing about me ….

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Let’s Get Together {virtually}

The prompt above was from the Write Together Community class that I host each Monday night. It’s a space for people to come together and spill words onto the page. No prior writing experience is required. Come and join us!

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here's what I know to be true


In this time of “social distancing,” so much of my routine has been disrupted. I used to be on the go. Running from one thing to the next. Never catching my breath.

But then something happened. The world forced me to come to a standstill. I couldn’t leave my home. i wasn’t expected to be in the office, host girl scout meetings, say yes to events I really wanted to say no to.

In a strange way, I was given permission to just be, exactly where I was.

I remember a day in April. Dustin and I were sitting in the backyard. On any other day, I would have a long list of ‘things’ we should be doing. Errands to be run. Tasks that needed taken care of. But all the “should’s” were thrown out the window and I was given permission to be exactly where I was. What a gift I never knew I needed.

I remember sitting in the backyard and smiling so wide that day. Grateful for being exactly where I was, with nowhere else to go.

We sat in the backyard. Music playing. Sun shining. Just us, together. All we had to do was be in the moment and enjoy each other’s company. It was time we never realized we needed. Time we never had before.

Now here we are, six months later and although some things have opened we still have not chosen to venture beyond our comfort. We choose home-cooked meals over nights out. Time together over time with others. We are continuing to sink into the moment and be home together.

I appreciate the slower movement. Not having to run from one thing to the next. Working from home and not having that long commute. Being given permission to carve our own path forward. A path that looks and feels right for us.

2020 has been an incredible year. Thinking back to January I never, ever imagined I would be sitting where I am today. But oh how incredibly grateful I am. For this space. For this trust. For this opportunity to be right where I am.

I have no idea what the future will hold. Each day is a new adventure. But one thing I know for sure, I am going to keep listening. Keep being. Keep showing up to what feels right in my heart. Because that is all we can do right now. Be true to ourselves and express that truth to others.

Here’s my truth. I love working from home. I am grateful for the amazing, loving relationship I have I am grateful for the way the community I have been nurturing since the end of March has been forming. I couldn’t imagine this time without them. I am so glad I have space to spread out into. Space to be outside. Space to breathe. I am grateful for the inspiration to move my body each day. Grateful for my legs that keep taking one step at a time. I know I could never do all of this alone. I am grateful for the incredible individuals who fill my heart with love and inspiration.

In dark times it can be hard to find the truth, to find the light. But oh my goodness, it is so important. What is true for you right now? What path are you carving?

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Writing Prompt

In what way are you unbecoming. Pull out your notebook and pen and give the following prompt a try. To not judge what you put down, simply give it space to breathe on the paper.

Breaking open….

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We Need One Another

The prompt above was from the Write Together Community class that I host each Monday night. It is a space for people to come together and spill words onto the page. No prior writing experience is required as the blank page will catch anything you throw at it.

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breaking open

Breaking open into the unknown.
Unsure of the path before you.
The breaking hurts. Stinging the heart.
The feeling of pain seems insurmountable to heal.

The pieces lay on the ground.
Sharp. Piercing.
Unknown layers shedding.
But before you is not what it appears to be.

It’s not all pain.
It’s not all sorrow.
It’s an unbecoming of what you thought you had to believe.
A rising up of what you know to be true in your heart.

A moment of chaos leading to a blank path before you.
You take the lead.
Chart the course and find your way.
To where you are going you need not know.

Trust in the journey.
In the unfolding.
In the opening and closing.

Trust in the letting go.
In the inviting in.
Keep stepping forward. One foot in front of the other.
This is how you find your way. This is how you unearth, become and sink into joy

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Writing Prompt

In what way are you unbecoming. Pull out your notebook and pen and give the following prompt a try. To not judge what you put down, simply give it space to breathe on the paper.

Breaking open….

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We Need One Another

The prompt above was from the Write Together Community class that I host each Monday night. It is a space for people to come together and spill words onto the page. No prior writing experience is required as the blank page will catch anything you throw at it.

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channeling your inner voice

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You have your own inner wisdom. It is that voice living inside you that speaks when you get quiet enough to listen. But when you hear it you doubt it. Unsure if it is really speaking the truth and you can trust what it is saying. You hear it. You know it is there, but do you listen?

What would happen if you trusted it? If you jumped all in with what it was telling you to do? What if you didn’t look outward for validation, but looked inside at the road map of your heart? Where would it lead you?

Your inner voice is there. It is always there. It is eager to guide you and is one of your biggest cheerleaders. It wants you to follow your joy, carve your own path forward, and do what lights you up.

It is your truth-teller even in the darkest of moments.

But here’s the thing, you have to get quiet to hear it. Put down your cell phone. Turn off the tv and the music. Maybe even shut the lights. Sit with yourself, with your questions, with your unknown path ahead and listen. Listen to the silence, to the words that bubble up, to the thoughts and emotions that emerge. Give them all a chance to wash through you so that you can hear what the truth-teller inside you has to say.

It takes time and practice to hone in on this inner voice as well as an enormous leap of faith. One way to help unearth it is through writing. Pen and paper can open up the door to your heart and give you a chance to hone in on what your inner wisdom is whispering.

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Writing Prompt

Try out the below prompt to begin honing in on your inner voice. What would that inner wisdom say. Begin writing with the following words:

Tomorrow I’m gonna….

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Tomorrow I’m gonna begin again. I know I didn’t get it all right today, but that is ok. I’m choose to hug more, judge less. Be a little more patient and get myself a snack when I am feeling cranky.

Tomorrow I’m gonna choose to be kind to myself. Give my heart the compassion it deserves and not judge the mistakes that I make.

Tomorrow I’m gonna let go of the expectations I have of others and allow them the space to be who they are, as they are.

Tomorrow I’m gonna breath in the fresh air. Put my toes in the cool we grass. Feel the sun on my face and remember how important it is for me to get outside.

Tomorrow I’m gonna choose joy over fear. Create space for me to be exactly who I am and be ok with doing nothing at all.

Tomorrow I’m gonna allow myself space to move, navigate, and find my way through the day at my own pace.

Tomorrow is not always promised. I think it will be there, but we never know. So tomorrow I’m gonna give gratitude for another opportunity to try again.

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We Need One Another

The prompt above was from the Write Together Community class that I host each Monday night. It is a space for people to come together and spill words onto the page. No prior writing experience is required as the blank page is a clean slate for anyone to put anything down.

I invite you to join me next week in our Writing circle or any one of the other virtual events. All classes take place on Zoom and are in EST time. I would love to see your radiant face on the screen.

We need one another and can do so much more when we come together. Being in community provides an opportunity to unearth, be seen, and be heard. Take the leap and join us.

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