here's what I know to be true


In this time of “social distancing,” so much of my routine has been disrupted. I used to be on the go. Running from one thing to the next. Never catching my breath.

But then something happened. The world forced me to come to a standstill. I couldn’t leave my home. i wasn’t expected to be in the office, host girl scout meetings, say yes to events I really wanted to say no to.

In a strange way, I was given permission to just be, exactly where I was.

I remember a day in April. Dustin and I were sitting in the backyard. On any other day, I would have a long list of ‘things’ we should be doing. Errands to be run. Tasks that needed taken care of. But all the “should’s” were thrown out the window and I was given permission to be exactly where I was. What a gift I never knew I needed.

I remember sitting in the backyard and smiling so wide that day. Grateful for being exactly where I was, with nowhere else to go.

We sat in the backyard. Music playing. Sun shining. Just us, together. All we had to do was be in the moment and enjoy each other’s company. It was time we never realized we needed. Time we never had before.

Now here we are, six months later and although some things have opened we still have not chosen to venture beyond our comfort. We choose home-cooked meals over nights out. Time together over time with others. We are continuing to sink into the moment and be home together.

I appreciate the slower movement. Not having to run from one thing to the next. Working from home and not having that long commute. Being given permission to carve our own path forward. A path that looks and feels right for us.

2020 has been an incredible year. Thinking back to January I never, ever imagined I would be sitting where I am today. But oh how incredibly grateful I am. For this space. For this trust. For this opportunity to be right where I am.

I have no idea what the future will hold. Each day is a new adventure. But one thing I know for sure, I am going to keep listening. Keep being. Keep showing up to what feels right in my heart. Because that is all we can do right now. Be true to ourselves and express that truth to others.

Here’s my truth. I love working from home. I am grateful for the amazing, loving relationship I have I am grateful for the way the community I have been nurturing since the end of March has been forming. I couldn’t imagine this time without them. I am so glad I have space to spread out into. Space to be outside. Space to breathe. I am grateful for the inspiration to move my body each day. Grateful for my legs that keep taking one step at a time. I know I could never do all of this alone. I am grateful for the incredible individuals who fill my heart with love and inspiration.

In dark times it can be hard to find the truth, to find the light. But oh my goodness, it is so important. What is true for you right now? What path are you carving?

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Writing Prompt

In what way are you unbecoming. Pull out your notebook and pen and give the following prompt a try. To not judge what you put down, simply give it space to breathe on the paper.

Breaking open….

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We Need One Another

The prompt above was from the Write Together Community class that I host each Monday night. It is a space for people to come together and spill words onto the page. No prior writing experience is required as the blank page will catch anything you throw at it.

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