I’m Thinking Of

I’m thinking of change
and how it is the only constant thing in life
The only thing we know for certain is going to happen

One day mom and I were laughing about how silly she looks in hats
Then not to long after that the words “stage four cancer” were spoken
and nothing about my life was the same again

I’m thinking of how I want to be present in the moment
I keep telling myself to appreciate the here and now
But it’s not so easy

Life has a way of sweeping me up
The dishes are piling in the sink, the landry needs to be done, the to do list is growing
But what matters most is time spent with loved ones

I’m thinking of how I can be better, do better, show up better
I make a list, I make a commitment
But then I fall flat

Why can’t I be as good with the follow through as I am with the intention
Why does it feel like I am always letting myself down
What do I really need to do to make an impactful change

I’m thinking of how easy it is to be hard myself
To fall down the rabbit hole and lose my way
I know I can’t be the only one

We seem to be are harshest critics
We pour our hearts into something 
And we think it isn’t good enough

But it is
And we are
And all we can ever do is our best

I’m thinking it’s time to show up with grace
To know that no moment will be perfect
But all moments are ours

Embrace the next breathe
Be here, right now
Live in the imperfectly perfect moment


Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire and remind you that you are not alone.

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Join Jennifer & Dustin as they invite you in behind the scenes to their life. They talk about it all and really enjoy the opportunity to step away from the screen and get back to connecting.

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my beloved

My Beloved,
Be kind to yourself. Take your time.
There is nowhere to rush to. Nowhere else to be, except for right here.
So be right here.

Etched in my heart are memories of all the times you showed up with courage.
Running 26.2 miles, twice.
Sitting with your mom as she cried on your couch over the struggle with her own mom.
Ending a relationship you knew wasn’t good.
Saying yes to traveling with strangers
Taking chances.
The list could go on and on and continues to grow.

Remember you are strong
You are resourceful
You navigate the unknown with wonder and curiosity.
Stand tall in your knowing.
Lean into your quiet, calm, demeanor.

Laugh wildly
Sink into the tiny joys of each day.

Now is the time to say YES to what fuels you
And no to what you no longer need

You got this
Keep spreading those wings and you will continue to SOAR!

Your Biggest Fan

Grab your notebook and let’s write

Begin with the following words and see where your pen takes you.

My beloved …

This was inspired by a prompt shared in the Write Together Class on Wednesday nights

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
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I love hanging out on Instagram. Join me over there: @jbelthoff

this time

This time I’m not going to worry about what others think I “should” be doing
I’m gonna show up with my hair covered in saltwater
Rosy cheeks kissed by the sun
Journal tucked under my arm
I’m gonna create my own adventures
And believe that anything is possible if I’m willing to give it a try

This time I’m gonna laugh out loud and not worry if I snort
I’m gonna take my time
Look around
Be where I am
I’ll roll the windows down
Sing along to the radio
Dance in the aisles of the grocery store

This time I’ll awaken all of my sense to what is new
Be patient with myself as I traverse uneven terrain
Give myself grace
Ask for help, and accept it when it’s given
Lean in
Speak the truth, even if it’s hard

I’ll appreciate the miracles
The teeny tiny ones
And the epic ones that knock me off my feet

The time I won’t get it all right
But I’ll enjoy the ride along the way
Being open, curious and filled with wonder

This time, it’s mine for the taking

Grab your notebook and let’s write

Begin with the following words and see where your pen takes you.

This time …

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
Apple & Google

I love hanging out on Instagram. Join me over there: @jbelthoff

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make it

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Make it about love
Even in the moments, and especially in the moments
When love isn’t shining through
Pull out your compassion
Your grace
Your courage to slow down
Even when you want to shut it out and move on to the next thing

Make it about what is in front of you this very moment
Not about what’s on your never-ending to-do list
Or what you wished you could have done
Or hope to do
Be right here, right now

Make It about you and those you are with
Even if you are only together in your heart
See the goodness in the relationships
Celebrate the joys
Know that not all the moments are perfect
But that’s ok

Make it about being alright with the unknown
You don’t know what is right around the corner
What mood you’ll show up in tomorrow
What will go right and what may go wrong
But you know you are resilient, and you can be ok living in the unknown
Because you have made it through and you will continue to do so

Make it about your next breathe
Know you don’t have to have it all figured out
Breathe in, breathe out
Put one foot in front of the other
Be open to the discoveries ahead when you don’t have it all planned out

Make it about love
Because through it all
Love will get you through

Grab your notebook and let’s write

Begin with the following words and see where your pen takes you.

Make it about …

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
Apple & Google

I love hanging out on Instagram. Join me over there: @jbelthoff

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i'm dropping

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I’m dropping my expectations of doing it all
Going for a walk with a friend
Meeting for dinner
Home Depot with my love

I don’t need to be everywhere, all the time
I can take some time for me
I can rest, release, relax

I relinquish control of the laundry, the dishes, the vacuuming
It waits for me, no matter how long I wait
And so I’m not going to rush

I’ll take my time
Remembering what my Nana always said
”The dust can wait, life cannot”

And so I will no longer carry around guilt
But shift to gratitude
Gratitude for a home that needs tending, dishes that need washing, weeds that need to be picked

I’m dropping the burdens I don’t need
And clearing space for what’s to come
What’s unknown
What will fill me up

Trusting that letting go is opening me up to opportunity

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Grab your notebook and let’s write

Begin with the following words and see where your pen takes you.

“I’m dropping”

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
Apple & Google

I love hanging out on Instagram. Join me over there: @jbelthoff

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she will whisper

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She will whisper; beautiful child you are as you are.
Be in the moment.
Release the reigns of judgment you cast on yourself.
Release your should have's, could have's and must do's.

All you need to do is to breathe and be. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Soak in the energy of the moment.
Allow it to flow through you and with you.
Don't push too hard on the road ahead.
Give it a chance to greet you and open up to you. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Explore the side paths.
Stop to smell the flowers, pick the ripe berries and savor their flavor.
This time is yours.
Sink into it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Plant your feet on the ground.
Hold your head high and know that you are being taken care of, watched over, and seen.
Know that you are worthy of love, dreams coming true and a moment of silence to sit, reflect, and unearth. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Be right here.
Present with the light shining from your heart.
Feel the way it shines.
Breathe, just breathe.

Place your hands over your heart and feel its rhythm. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Know that you are as you should be and so it is.
Nothing to change, alter, or become.
Just you as is.
Feel it. Know it. Believe it. Believe in YOU!

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
Apple & Google

I love hanging out on Instagram. Join me over there: @jbelthoff

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