turning the tv off

When I lived alone I did not have a tv.  It was one of the best decisions I made.  Rather than falling down the rabbit hole of television programming I went hiking in the woods, explored bookstores and libraries, rode my bike, walked, painted, read books, and wrote. I did all of this by myself and it was incredibly freeing.  

Prior to living alone I thought I would never be able to do it.  It thought I would be terrified. But in fact it was exactly the opposite.  I fell deeply and madly in love with living on my own.  No one was walking through the door unless I invited them in.  Things were exactly where I left them.  And the only mess I had to clean up was the one I made myself.  

Things look quiet differently today as I am living with my love.  I have noticed that I have fallen down the rabbit hole of reality tv.  Choosing to curl up on the couch and numb my mind than go out and explore.  I didn't realize how much of a toll this was taking on me until I decided to take my mornings back.  

I have realized how deeply I need that time with myself.  The quiet, the uninterrupted moments to think and breathe.  It is necessary for me and something that I have somehow lost track of.  The sound of the television had take over the sound of my own inner voice and I could no longer hear what I needed.  So I turned the TV off.  I let the quietness engulf me and I listened to what I needed ... a walk outside with my camera.  

It was incredible.  Fresh air.  Sunshine.  Me and my thoughts.  Free therapy!  And it is there for the taking.  In fact, it is always there for the taking, I just need to turn off the TV and listen.  

So not only am I taking my morning back, but I am taking back my days.  I am choosing to keep the TV off.  It's ok if I don't know what happens on the Real Housewives.  Not only is it ok, but it will spark my creativity.  It will push me outside.  It will help me to get really clear on what it is I want to do and how I want to live.

What feeds your soul?  What do you do when no one is around?  How do you carve out time just for yourself?   


How much time do spend surfing the web or scrolling through your social media channels?  When you are standing in line or waiting somewhere is this the firs thing you go for?  We do it so often now a days that it almost feels like a natural reaction.  Our fingers scrolling back and forth to different platforms then concentrating for a brief moment on whatever we were doing, then back to the scrolling.  I am embarrassed to even think about how much social media consumption I do daily.  I always think I don't have the time to do the things I want to do, but the truth is if I just put down the phone I will have plenty of time.  

My mind and body are craving movement, reading, writing, creating.  When we were away on vacation I read two books and my brain felt energized and my soul felt inspired.  It was divine!  I love reading yet recently the only thing I read are the status on my social media channels.  I know I need to get back to basics.  To doing the the things that my heart and soul desire.  


My body needs movement each and every day.  That movement does not always look the same but there has to be some form of it.  Running, yoga, riding my bicycle, different workouts DVD's that I have.  Something that get's my blood pumping and my heart smiling.  

When I move my body I have more energy.  I sleep better.  I clear my mind and I feel so good.  

Fresh Air

Sitting inside at a desk all day makes me appreciate the fresh air that much more.  I crave it.  I need it.  Without it I feel drained and lost.  Even if it is freezing cold or sultry hot I need a few minutes in the fresh air to bring me back to nature and myself.  

One of my favorite activities is sitting outside on my front porch reading or writing.  There is something about being outdoors that just makes me feel a whole lot happier.  I also enjoy going for walks even if it is only around the apartment complex.  

Fresh air + movement = happiness!  


Writing is another way that I find my way back home and open up my heart.  It is through the page that I can release all that I am holding onto and tell the truth of my story.  I am able to show up without a filter and spill wide open.  

Through writing I find not only who I am, but where I want to go.  I discover dreams, let go of past hurts, and navigate my own journey.  My notebooks are my sacred ground.  


When I was young we lived within walking distance of the library.  It was a teeny tiny library but that didn't bother me, I loved going there.  Then they up and moved it all the way across town ... but that didn't stop me ... I would jump on my bike and spend hours at the library.  I feel at home when I am in a library.  I love picking up books purely for their title and diving right in. 

I can get lost in a story quickly.  Words leave me feeling inspired and renewed.  They awaken pieces of me that I didn't realize were dormant.  Through others words I find my own.  


I developed a love of creating from my mom.  She was always crafting something, working with paper and scissors, having such a good time making something out of nothing.  When I am creating time stands still. I am in the moment and enjoying exactly what is unfolding before me.

My mom taught me that there is no wrong or right way to craft ... it is all about having fun.  She turn ordinary picture frames into mini works of shell art.  They weren't always perfect, but they were made with love!  

I need to get back to all of this. To doing what I love.  To reigniting my spark and finding myself again.  Time passes way to quickly and when I spend it on social media it passes even faster!  I am looking forward to this Sunday and the start of the Love Notes Postcard Project

3 postcards + 3 stamps + 3 writing prompts = 3 weeks of snail mail fun!   

If you didn't sign up yet there is still time to join.  Click here --->

They say how you spend your days is how you spend your life.  I want to spend my days creating the life that I love.  I want to savor the moments, laugh wildly, hold hands, move my body, and do the things that my soul desires.  There is only one way to do that ... put down the phone and live this life!  

How about you?  How do you spend your days?  What do you wish you were doing instead?



happy notes

Gratitude is a very important part of my self care practice.  I have tried to keep a gratitude journal but was never very good at showing up to it each day.  When I would remember to write in it I would see how long ago I was there and feel discouraged for not sticking with it.  Then the incredible idea for a happiness jar passed through my feed from the wonderful Elizabeth Gilbert.  It was simple -- one jar and tiny slips of paper.  Each day you write one thing that made you happy and drop it into the jar.  Easy peasy!  

This was the perfect solution for me because if I missed a day I never noticed and therefore my inner critique never got the chance to jump in and speak negative words.  I definitely missed many days but my jar still filled up with so many wonderful memories.  Simple moments that make this life extraordinary.  Like:

  • Sharing sushi with Dustin
  • A fun evening at the car show, lots of laughs, plenty of shine, and good people all around
  • The sweet smell of wild orange as she rubbed it on my forehead and shoulders while in shavasana

Simple everyday moments that make this life extraordinary.  What a love about the happiness jar is how ordinary the moments are, yet they fill my heart with so much love!  

Happiness Jar

I have taken the time to read through each one of my happy moments from 2015.  It was fun to go back and read about moments that I forgot about.  I was also able to see how much happiness there was even during such a tragic time.  Each happy moment is filled with love, connection, and so much goodness.  

The jar is now empty and ready for a brand new year of happy.  I am excited to continue this tradition.  I usually write out my note before I slip into bed.  It is the perfect way to end the day.  

If you are interested in doing this I encourage you to go for it.  Any jar and slips of paper will do.  One thing I do recommend is including the date on each note.  This way when you look back you know exactly the day it happened.  You can begin a happiness jar any time of the year, it doesn't have to happen on January 1st.  And if you miss a day or a bunch of days, no big deal ... just pick up wherever you are.  Fill that jar with loads of happiness.  

word of the year 2016

Since 2009 I have been choosing one word to guide me throughout the year.  One word {or phrase} that I can tuck into my pocket as a reminder of the direction I want to go.  Sometimes the word chooses me and other times it takes a bit of digging to determine what that word will be.  The one thing that always remains the same is that the word unfolds in ways I never dreamed of and takes me places that I really needed to go.  

My previous words have been:

2015 - Connection
2014 – Build
2013 – All the Cards on the Table
2012 – Soar
2011 – Love
2010 – Connect
2009 - Wings

I thought I had my word for 2016 all figured out.  I was even journaling about it the other day.  But as I sat down to write this post another word came up and I can't seem to shake it.  

My first choice was a phrase :: Daring Greatly.  To me this means standing in the arena, taking risk's, being seen, being afraid of failing but trying anyway, standing in my power, showing the world who I am, going after what is in my heart, speaking up, and letting my light shine bright.  
At this moment in my life this feels like exactly what I need to do.  I have worked hard to get to this point.  I have pushed myself.  I have learned who I am and what I want.  I have discovered my inner strengths and have made my way out of the shadows.  I am ready and prepared to be in the arena and let my light shine.

These words have been percolating inside of me since first reading the below quote:  

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
— Theodore Roosevelt

In order to make great things happen I must take the risk and understand that it might not work out.  I must try even when I am scared.  I must put in the effort.  There is no magic fairy want that will make things happen for me.  I have to do the work.  I have to dare greatly.  

It is time to shine.  To step outside of my comfort zone.  I do not want to live small.  I want to make an impact.  I want to show up, reach, and learn.  I want to inspire others to do the same.  I want to seek out adventure and live more intentionally.  I want to live big!  

As I write this now I see that my secondary word fits in perfectly with "daring greatly".  This word is "gather".  Deep in my heart I feel a call to gather in person with women.  To break bread, share stories, allow ourselves to be seen.  Shifts happen when women come together.  Hearts open, love pours fourth, and we are able to see our inner beauty and learn how to shine our light.

I know deep in my heart that this type of work is powerful, necessary, and life changing.  When we learn to love who we are and take time to work through our old stories and inner daemons the world opens up to us.  Our heart shifts, happiness flows through, and we learn how to seek out the good and appreciate the moments.  

In order to lead a gathering I need to dare greatly and take the risk.  I need to put it out there and trust that individuals will be called to it.  I need to be willing to fail and open to the possibility that it could be better than I even expected.  I must take the chance.    

I have never chosen two separate words as my word of the year, but there is no reason why I can't.  So I am jumping in and going for it.  This year my words are:

Daring Greatly & Gather


How about you?  Do you choose a word each year?  If so, what is it?  I would love to hear about it in the comments below.  

being ok with saying no

I tend to over commit.  To say yes when I really should be saying no.  I carve out time to do things with friends and family, and it is lovely and divine, but it does not leave me much time to do the things that I want to do.  Like read, write, practice yoga, sit on the front porch and watch the day pass by.  

I am an introvert.  I need time to process.  Time to be alone.  Quiet moments to allow my mind space to rest and be restored.  Having a balance between this quiet and the activities with others is hard for me to do.  I put others first not wanting to disappoint.  I say yes when I really deeply am feeling no.  I think of others and do not consider how it is physically draining me.  

I fill my calendar with things to do but never carve out dedicated time just for me.  I push myself to the limits, constantly on the go until my body forces me to slow down.  This isn't good for me or for others.  When I do not take time for me I do not show up as my best self.  I am tired, quiet, and not really there.  

This is something that I know needs to be adjusted.  If I keep going at this pace I will lose who I am and I do not want to do that.  I want to balance my time and in order to do that I must make myself a priority.  I need to recognize when I am pulling myself thin and I say no when I feel it, even if I think I am disappointing someone.  

Saying no isn't easy.  It take courage.  The realization that you may miss out on something.  And knowing that you will inevitably disappoint someone.  But it is needed to stay whole, to be fully present when you are with someone, and to allow yourself space to rest.  

I am going to take a look at my calendar and intentionally carve out time for me.  I am going to write it in ink and follow through as if it was a commitment with another.  I will hold myself accountable.  And when I have this time I will not use i watching tv or getting sunk down the rabbit hole of social media.  I will be intentional and do what feeds me.  

Do you struggle with saying no?  What could you put in place to help you? Please share in the comments as what you do may be a huge help for someone else.  

slowing down

There are days that fly by in a blink of an eye.  I rush from one thing to the next forgetting to slow down, take a breathe, and savor the moments.  Working in an office environment has pushed me deeper into this fast paced non stopping mentality.  There is always something to be done and before I even begin I am behind.  I must be quick and nimble.  Use every minute in the day and push things along quickly.  

This constant state of motion can wear a girl down.  Constantly seeking for answers.  Living in that state of unknowing.  Wondering which way to turn and jumping boldly.  It has pushed me to think on my feet.  Analyze quickly and move on.  But it has also sucked the wind out of me and has left me feeling exhausted.  

We all need time to slow down.  To soak in the sunset, day dream, and simply just be in the moment.  I know that I cannot be in a constant state of motion and conversation.  I need breathing space and moments of quiet to sink into.  The constant rush wears me thin and makes me lose my way.  

And so I turn to:

  • Going for a walk around the block.  The movement of one foot in front of the other helps me to clear my head and slow down
  • Pour myself a hot mug of tea, sit on my porch, and watch the world move forward
  • Take time to dig into a book and read to my hearts content
  • Light my twinkle lights, put on some favorite songs, and just sit on my couch and breathe

It is these simple self care practices that take me back.  They slow me down, rejuvenate my soul, and help breathe a little bit deeper.  What are some of your self care practices?  How do you get back to yourself when the world is constantly pulling you in many directions?  

Having a self care practice is very important.  You must know what heals you.  What brings you back.  Without that you may lose your way and not be sure how to find your way back.  I encourage you to take some time to develop your own self care practices and integrate them into your life when you feel like things are getting a little wonky.