Podcast #28 - Journaling Tips


In today’s episode, I share a few journaling tips to get you going and keep you motivated in your journaling practice.

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Writing Prompt

This week explore how you are going to show up on the world beginning with the following prompt:

I knocked on the door …

Share in the comments below so that we can all support you.

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Podcast #27 - On Not Giving Up

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In today’s episode, I share about the journey it takes us to get somewhere and how important it is to not give up along the way.

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Writing Prompt

This week explore how you are going to show up on the world beginning with the following prompt:

I step forward …

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I'm moving towards

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I’m moving towards releasing the weight I have been carrying for far too long
It’s time to place down these heavy suitcases
And let someone else take them on their journey; for they may need what’s in them.

Where I’m headed I only need to pack light.
I’m bringing along this new confidence that I’ve unearthed
Showing me I’m on the right path

I don’t need black slacks or high heeled shoes
Where I’m going it’s acceptable to live in flip flops
or even toss your shoes to the side

I’m bringing along sunscreen
Because there will be lots of time spent outdoors

I’m packing my journal, a book, and my favorite box of tarot cards
Because no matter where I am they go to

I’m moving towards freedom
Unfiltered joy
Unexpected laughter and lots of dance parties

I know all the work I’ve done so far, even the heartache, tears, and loss
Has prepared me for this journey
I have a box filled with tools and a lifetime of learning

I’m moving towards exactly where I’m meant to be
And the truth is I don’t fully know what that looks like
But I’m trusting this journey
Trusting my instincts
Following my heart

Knowing that anything is possible
When we open up and take chances

So I’m moving
One foot in front of the other
Where I’m going no one knows
But I’m going

The above words were written during Monday’s Write Together class inspired by the prompt:

I’m moving towards

Grab a piece of paper and give the prompt a try. Then join us next Monday in class.

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
Apple & Google

I love hanging out on Instagram. Join me over there: @jbelthoff

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Podcast #26 - Clearing Out

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In today’s episode, I share about letting go of what you no longer need to carry around and talk about a ritual you can do to release the clutter. Remember, you don’t have to take it all with you.

You can listen on your favorite podcasting app including Apple & Google

If you enjoy the podcast I would love and appreciate it if you shared it with a friend or left a review.

Writing Prompt

This lets release. Begin with the following prompt:

I let go …

Share in the comments below so that we can all support you.

Let’s Be Together

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with this detour

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With this detour, choose to release your expectations
Let go of the way you thought you were going to go
Be open to what you might not know is around the corner

Yes, the path is twisty
You can’t see what is around the bend
But pause and look around

Can you smell the salt air blowing in off the ocean
Do you see the way the clouds dance overhead
And the tiny little curls that form at the very end of the dandelions
You can only see it if you look close, go head, look close

Do you hear the birds chirping wildly
They are creating your theme song for this moment

A moment of wonder and awe if you choose to sink into it
Go ahead, sink in
There is no need to rush
Just be right here

Be ok with standing in the unknown
Trust your instincts
Trust your journey
Trust yourself

Yes, the detour may not be where you thought you wanted to go
But it may be the start of your wildest dreams coming true

Lean in, and trust

The above words were written during Monday’s Write Together class inspired by the prompt:

with this detour …

Grab a piece of paper and give the prompt a try. Then join us next Monday in class.

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
Apple & Google

I love hanging out on Instagram. Join me over there: @jbelthoff

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Podcast #25 - Motherless Mothers Day

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In today’s episode, I share about navigating mothers day when it doesn’t look like what you hoped or want it to look like.

You can listen on your favorite podcasting app including Apple & Google

If you enjoy the podcast I would love and appreciate it if you shared it with a friend or left a review.

Writing Prompt

This week I share a few different prompts for you to explore.  Chose what feels right for you and see what spills onto the page:

My mother taught me …

My darling baby(s) / child / children ...

I honor ...

Share in the comments below so that we can all support you.

Let’s Be Together

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