moments of glory
/There are moments when we feel like we are standing alone
Deep in the darkness, no one around to catch us when we fall
There are moments when we aren't sure where to turn
Were to go, or how we are ever going to make it through
But then the light shines through
We stand tall, all on our own
And we realize how
and, Wise we really are
We see our beautiful selves in the mirror
And we recognize the person staring back
We smile
And look with kind eyes
There will be moments of struggle
There always will be
But then there will be moments of glory
Pure, divine, incredible glory
Where we will be singing at the top of our lungs
Digging deep into our divine selves
And radiating pure joy
Do not allow the darkness the power to fully steal your light
Hold tight to that sunshine that you bring to this world
And allow yourself space to sparkle and shine
You are to beautiful to hide it from the rest of the world
We need you, in all of your glory