I’m Thinking Of

I’m thinking of change
and how it is the only constant thing in life
The only thing we know for certain is going to happen

One day mom and I were laughing about how silly she looks in hats
Then not to long after that the words “stage four cancer” were spoken
and nothing about my life was the same again

I’m thinking of how I want to be present in the moment
I keep telling myself to appreciate the here and now
But it’s not so easy

Life has a way of sweeping me up
The dishes are piling in the sink, the landry needs to be done, the to do list is growing
But what matters most is time spent with loved ones

I’m thinking of how I can be better, do better, show up better
I make a list, I make a commitment
But then I fall flat

Why can’t I be as good with the follow through as I am with the intention
Why does it feel like I am always letting myself down
What do I really need to do to make an impactful change

I’m thinking of how easy it is to be hard myself
To fall down the rabbit hole and lose my way
I know I can’t be the only one

We seem to be are harshest critics
We pour our hearts into something 
And we think it isn’t good enough

But it is
And we are
And all we can ever do is our best

I’m thinking it’s time to show up with grace
To know that no moment will be perfect
But all moments are ours

Embrace the next breathe
Be here, right now
Live in the imperfectly perfect moment


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Join Jennifer & Dustin as they invite you in behind the scenes to their life. They talk about it all and really enjoy the opportunity to step away from the screen and get back to connecting.

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