i'm choosing pencil
/I’m choosing pencil because writing in ink feels way too much like a commitment I am not ready to make. I’m not sure I will want to show up. I’ve gotten in the groove of this isolated living that I’m not sure if I’m ready to dive headfirst into the world.
I’m choosing pencil because I want to keep my heart open. Trust the journey. Know that I’m being guided and it doesn’t have to be put down in ink.
Shifting, expanding, growing, becoming.
Leaving space to show up imperfectly, perfect.
Coloring out of the lines.
Leaving the dishes in the sink, to go walk outside in the grass
Easing in as I expand.
Yes, I’m choosing pencil and it feels freeing, and hopeful. Filled with the opportunity for me to choose. To go with what ignites me, rather than what depletes me.
To be wild & free
Taking chances
Reaching beyond
Erasing a few things along the way and beginning again
I’m taking out my trusty #2. Sharpening its point and getting it ready for this wild ride we are about to embark on.
Filled with hope, love, and permission to choose
The above words were written during Monday’s Write Together class. Where we spend an hour together writing in community and sharing.
Grab a piece of paper and give the prompt a try. Then join us next Monday in class.