why you need to move outside your comfort zone
/“Don’t wait for the right opportunity; create it.”
Recently in northern New Jersey there had been a lot of rainy days that kept me within the four walls of my home. I didn’t have the motivation to head out the door to my favorite stomping grounds to work; the local coffee shop, the library, and the park. I ended up staying hunkered inside and quickly fell down the rabbit hole of darkness.
I dream of opportunity knocking at my door. Of someone saying “hey you, I have the perfect thing, come along.” But as I am sure you know, that is never going to happen. No magical fairy is going to arrive with a magic wand creating exactly what I am desiring.
I need to be the one to go after it.
There are opportunities out there. Connections just waiting to be blossomed. Unexpected moments presenting themselves. Yes, they are there but they don’t show up at your door. You need to wake up, get dressed, and get out of the house. You need to be willing to go where you may not be comfortable and put yourself out there.
When teaching yoga I always express to my students that the work begins when you come up to your edge you feel that uncomfortableness and rather than shift out of it you stay there with it. It is not easy to do. Our initial reaction is to flee the feeling and go to a space we know. But it is important to be there. That is where the magic happens.
As a new week dawned upon me had a sliver of motivation to leave the house. The raindrops were still coming down but I didn’t let that stop me. I pulled out my raincoat and umbrella and trekked over to my old college campus. I wanted to check out the career services department to see if I could leverage any resources on the job hunt.
Walking around campus invigorated me. There was a pulse of growing dreams and endless possibility that swirled around. It was palpable in the air. I sat among the students in the cafeteria and focused in on what I wanted to accomplish that day. I met with the counselor and an unexpected opportunity was presented. I then ended the day with a call to discuss working with a potential client one-on-one.
By the end of the night I was buzzing. They say things happen when you leave the house and they are right. But here’s the thing; you have to be the one to leave the house and invite others in. Opportunity only comes knocking when you go after it yourself.
You have to be willing to go outside your comfort zone!
It takes a lot of work and courage to show but it is so worth it. That day roaming around Ramapo College ignited a spark inside me that has been dim for far to long. I feel reinvigorated and excited. Not everything is working out the way I had hoped or wanted but I am not letting that dim my light. I am still moving forward, seeking out new opportunities, and pushing myself into the uncomfortable.
What way can you seek out the discomfort and sit with it? Where can you stretch yourself? Is there a class you want to try, a co-worker you want to invite for coffee, a place you want to visit. Take the action steps today to make it happen! You will be so glad you did.
It is important to know how we stay inside our comfort zone and how we expand beyond it. Today I invite you to pull out your journal and explore both of these by responding to the following: