Love Notes Special Edition: Emerging from Sandy

Stormy weather has devastated the East Coast the past couple of weeks.  Water washing ashore taking out entire homes.  Flooding occurring in cities.  Trees falling, leaving people in the dark.  Many people on the East Coast are feeling disconnected, afraid, unsure of what the next step is.  They have been struggling and could use a little Love to lift them up.  So I am proposing a Special Edition of Love Notes where will do just that.  We will spread love, words of hope, and infuse encouragement to the individuals who are emerging from Sandy. 

Are you up for joining in?  I would love it if you did. 

Here is how it will work:

*  Simply fill out the form


with YOUR email address, name, and mailing address

*  Then fill out the mailing address of an individual who you know has been affected by Sandy and could use a little love note

*  On Saturday, November 17th you will be sent the name(s) of an individual(s) who has been affected by Sandy

*  Write a hopeful note, or postcard and drop it into the mailbox for them by Saturday November 24th. 

Additional Information:

If you know more than one person that has been affected please feel free to fill out the form multiple times. 

If you do not know someone that has been affected, but want to send out some love, please fill out the form with your name and address and we will send you over someones name to send some love to. 

Depending upon how many individuals we get that have been affected by the storm you may be asked to send a note to more than one person. 

Have any questions?

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at: