front porch musings
/I love this time of year
Sitting on my front porch
Reading a book
Chatting with a friend
It makes me so happy to feel the fresh air
And soak in the sunshine
My best ideas come to me when I am outside
Today a special visitor and his four legged friend stopped by
I loved the surprise of the moment
We live around the block from one another but don't see each other that often
I am hoping more impromptu visits like that happen this spring and summer
Maybe even spend some time together on the front porch
Or a walk around the pond
The fresh air wakes me up
The longer days light up my heart
I have a little pep in my step
A smile across my face
And an open invitation to join me on my front porch
To sit with me and share your stories
I would love to hear what is living in your heart