through the journey
/One step at a time leading me here
Where I feel safe, confidante, brave
Placing all the contents of my heart on the table
Nothing is hidden
Everything is talked about
Laughter, smiles, and hand holdingswirling around
I stand deeply in who I am
And am encircled with love and support
My heart has grown stronger
As I love fearlessly
And it swells with gratitude and pride
There were moments when I was lost
And there will continue to be those moments
I have taken wrong turns
Got lost and lead off track
But I always found my way back
Back to the person that is me
Looking at the sunshine in life
Grateful for all that surrounds me
Soaking up the outdoors
Laughing long into the night
Creating pieces of inspiration
And writing from my heart
I love the journey I am on in life
The individuals I encounter
The stories I hear
The connections that are made
I love creating along side others
Sharing our vulnerabilities
Supporting one another
Seeing each other for exactly who we are
I have struggled, fought, and dreamed my way to here
I opened up and allowed myself to be seen
Not just in the moments of beauty
But in my darkest moments as well
I have shared all of it
We are each human
Fighting our own battles
Struggling with our own inner demons
We are more alike than we sometimes know
The demons that speak to you, also speak to me
We are not alone in our struggles
We do not have to hide behind our fears
We are all in this together
Longing for connection, seeking out love
We are here for one another
To listen, encourage, and share our truths
My heart is overflowing with love tonight
For all that surrounds me
For my family, who is beyond amazing and always makes me laugh
For my friends, who I have created beautiful memories together
For the love of my life, who I feel so at home with
For all that is in my life, I am grateful
Through the lightness and the darkness
Each of it providing me something to carry along on my journey
I am grateful