dreams coming true
/I have always been a dreamer
Just ask my third grade teacher, he'll tell you
Even at that age, when I was suppose to be paying attention
I wasn't
My mind was wandering and it continues to wander
Dreaming up all sorts of things
They start as small ideas
That turn into a wish I speak outloud
Then the universe comes in and works it's magic
Slowly the dream begins to have form and shape
There are times it looks nothing like the original plan
And other times when I can't belive how exact it has all fallen into place
Dreams are things we want to happen
And they can't begin happening unless we set them in motion
I am in awe when a dream comes true
My heart fills with delight and gratitude
Looking back on the entire evolution
A small pea of an idea turned into a grand heart opening experience
I have more ideas percolating
The univers is working it's magic
And I just need to work on the courage to take the leap
What are you dreaming of these days?
What dreams of yours have come true?
Let's dream together, shall we?