living through the feelings
/Since returning
The connection between my mind and my pen has been a struggle
I have tried lining words up to form a sentence
Express my feelings
Release what is swirling around inside of me
But nothing is coming out
I am in a period of transition
Of letting go
and opening myself up to the world around me
Not holding anything to tightly
But allowing things to come in and go out
It is not an easy path to travel down
Being such a deep feeler
It can be difficult to give freedom to all of these emotions
Allowing them to just be what they are
Without holding on
I am bravely stepping forward
Through the darkness
And the questions
Digging deeper into the strength that is within me
Revealing pieces of my heart with each step
I know I must live boldly
Without fear
Planning my next adventure
And standing tall in the uncomfortableness of life
Reaching, stretching, growing