/I am reflecting on my word from 2010 ~ connection
It is amazing to see all the ways it has manifested itself
Without me even knowing it was hard at work
Connections with my family have grown deeper and stronger
Forming bonds between different individuals
Watching some push themselves to achieve their goal
Soaking in the sunshine at the beach
Art nights
Coming together in a time of need
Games played and
Memories made
Lemon crushes being poured
And just knowing that "if you play it, they will come"
My roots have also grown deeper with my tribe
Using all sorts of technology to stay connected
The little message that arrive in the palm of my hand
The card in the mailbox
Encouraging words and kind comments left
All of them lifting me up right when I need it most
Leaving me feeling seen for exactly who I am
Traveling to North Carolina and being
All of it leaves my heart feeling full with joy
It continues to amaze me how we each support one another
I love watching it all unfold
Other individuals stood by my side and held my hand
Right when I needed it
An unexpected connection
A conversation that changed my life
Moments where I shared pieces of me
And they in turn opened up to share pieces of themselves
What a beautiful experience
I had unexpected adventures with friends
Watching them push themselves
Just a little bit further than they thought they could go
Laughing as
covered my apartment
Watching the beauty of
light up the sky
Listening to one another over a cup of coffee
Dinner together
Backyard games
All sorts of fun shared
I learned a lot about myself in 2010
About what moves me
What makes me drag my feet and waste my time
I let go of things that I was holding onto in my heart
Things that were weighing me down and no longer served me
I forgave myself
this story of forgiveness with the world
I also declared that just as I am in this very moment
Even in January I knew I was
I feel a deeper connection to my heart and soul
And an inner confidence I did not have before
I soaked up the wave of weather that blesses the east coast
Walking in the snow
Being a
Hiking in the woods
Traveling into nyc alone
Feeling the rays of sunshine as the sun kissed my skin
I got lost on my bicycle
Dug my feet into the sand
Found new places
Explored the area around me
Went off on an adventure to Philly
I spent a lot of time breathing in the fresh air
2010 has been a year of deep connection for me
Manifesting itself as I went out and lived life
Allowing me the opportunity to giggle in the rain