/My days have been hectic
My mind running in every direction
Coming to dead ends
Not sure where to turn
Spinning in circles
Feeling hopeless, lost and sad
Emotions swirled around inside of me
I could not seem to calm them
Or hold them long enough to examine them
The other night
As I curled under my covers
Just about to lie down
I felt something
It was a blue glow
Right there in front of me
It felt so real I could see it with my eyes
A feeling of comfort washed over me
A smile came to my face
I felt calm and at peace
The light whispered to me
"You are ready now, you are ready now"
I am not exactly sure what it was
Or maybe I was dreaming
But since that night I feel calm
Relaxed into myself
An inner peace is holding me gently
Each time I close my eyes
The light is there
Reminding me that
I am ready