all of you
/photo taken while driving home and smiling thinking of all of you
Do you know what you guys do to me
Each time a comment appears from you
Or when a card arrives in my mailbox
Do you know how my heart sings
When a simple text messages is sitting in the palm of my hands
Or a little note appears
I sit here smiling
Thinking of all of you
And all the ways you brighten my days
Sometimes when I need it most
When my heart is sad or I just need to smile
One of you will appear, as if you knew
It is amazing how connected we all are to one another
There is no distance to far
for two heart and souls to connect
Words cannot convey this feeling
This heart swelling pride
That sings inside of me
I am a better person because of all of you
I am stronger, braver, and I smile more often
I am happy because I have you guys in my life
Thank you for being my little angels
For watching over me, loving me,
And seeing me
I adore you
I admire you
and I love you