it's time to write your next chapter
/We made it. Through another winter. Where the darkness crept in but we kept the light burning. Things slowed down. The cold air kept us inside. We hunkered down and hibernated. Choosing to curl under blankets rather than take off on an adventure. We were gentle with ourselves. Easing into the days and quietly settling into the dark nights.
But we are ready to bloom again. To step into the sunshine and breathe deeply into what is possible. It is time to create our own new beginning. It is time to bring movement and adventure back to our daily lives. It is time to get outside and run freely. The spark of creativity is ready to be ignited.
And so we begin. On the first day of Spring with hope in our hearts. We look forward to days filled with light and dream up new adventures to take. We know the energy that the sun infuses into us and we are ready to blaze a new path forward.
Time passes quickly. We must make the most of our moments and write our own incredible stories. For we are the creators of our life. We choose where we are going and what we will do when we get there. Don't waste a single second more. Begin today to create the most epic story, ever.
What story are you writing? What one thing can you do to begin to create the story of your dreams?
Writing Prompt: The next chapter of my story is going to include ...