what I want you to know
/What I want you to know is there is love swirling all around you
People care about you and want to be there
Lean on them whenever you need to
Yes, I know you are the one usually doing the taking care of
But others want to take care of you
Do not hesitate to pick up the phone, ask for a hug, or stay a little bit longer
What I want you to know is you are fully supported
Prayers are being said
Love is being sent
You are held deeply
Open up your heart and soak it all in
We are all by your side every step of the way
There is so much that I want you to know
But about all else
What I want you to know is that I love you
This writing is in response to the second Love Notes Postcard Project writing prompt.
What I want you to know. . . .
It has been so much fun seeing the images appear on Instagram #lovenotesjb and in the Facebook Group. People are filled with such wisdom and their words have touched my heart. Oh this project is so much fun!! I am sad that this Sunday is the last postcard for this round. It all flies by to quickly.