nyc marathon mantra
As I sat in yoga I repeated the mantra I have been using all week to prepare for NYC Marathon.
I am ready
I will run happy
I am ready
I will run strong
I am ready
I will finish
Over and over these words are repeated. Reminding me of how far I have come.
When I first began training for the marathon running three miles was a struggle. Now you will hear the words "I only have to run 12 miles" come out of my mouth. Never did I think I would have the words 'only' and '12 miles' in one sentence. Yet here I stand confidentiality speaking them.
My mantra reminds me that I have prepared. I have shown up again, and again, and again. I am ready. I will finish.
When we are faced with the unknown fear creeps in and fills our head with doubt. So easily these fear mongrels could take over and drag us down. However, I am not going to let them. I know that I am ready and I am going to show up. I will put one foot in front of the other and make my way 26.2 miles.
I will run happy because this is the day that I have been training for. I have friends and family coming out and supporting me. Cheering me on and giving me strength. They have no idea how much it means to me that they will be there and how big of a part they play in keeping me going. I need them and am so grateful they will be there.
I will run strong because I am running for those who can't. I am running for those who have suffered and struggled. I am running for Hope. As I have been fundraising for Fred's Team I have heard story after story from people affected by Cancer and I run for them. Each step of the way I will be holding them in my heart.
It has been an amazing journey to get to this point. I am so grateful that I said yes and look forward to Sunday!
I am ready
I will run happy
I am ready
I will run strong
I am ready
I will finish
When we put our minds to something we accomplish great things. When we enlist the help and support of family, friends, and our community we are able to accomplish even more.
What dream is whispering to you? What one thing do you want to do? Take that first step today.