build :: word of the year
/Each year I choose a word to tuck into my heart and carry around with me for the entire year. Some previous words have been wings, connect, love, soar. I never know what the word will bring to me until the year is over. I may have hopes of certain things unfolding but the universe may have different plans in store.
For 2013 I choose a phrase, rather than a word: "all the cards on the table". I wanted to get my act together and do all of those things that I always put off. Like getting the oil in my car changed, going to the dentist, working out, and getting my finances in order. And oh how the universe took me by storm. I have been to the dentist more times this year than I think I have been in my entire life (lesson to you all....go now, do not delay). I have three doctors appointments set up within the next three weeks....oh joy!. My finances may not be in order but Dustin won't stop bugging me until they are. I have developed a routine of working out and I really got into it. And my car burns oil at a rapid pace that I have to stay on top it to ensure it runs properly.
The old adage "be careful what you wish for" is so incredibly true when it comes to choosing your word. So choose wisely.
My word for 2014 felt so right the moment it popped into my head, and not for the obvious reason that Dustin and I are building a house this year but for so much more than that.
the property we are building into H*O*M*E
This year Dustin and I are setting down a strong foundation for our future together. We are not only building a house, but building a life together.
This year I also want to...
Build confidence in the work that I meant to do in this world. To believe with every fiber of my being in my purpose and to share it and spread it.
Build community. In person, heart to heart, open, honest, loving, enriching community.
Build deeper, stronger, loving friendships.
Build a stronger body and empowered mind. Overcoming mental and physical obstacles.
Building up what is meant to thrive. Laying down a strong foundation so that it can withstand the test of time. Brick, by brick. Showing up honesty and imperfect, but there
This year I want to build the life I am meant to be living.
What word have you chosen to tuck into your pocket this year?