The Blue Canoe Podcast #33 - Move the Box

Jump on in the Blue Canoe and join us as we chat about a recent car accident, halloween, ghost stories and more.

You can listen on your favorite podcasting apps including Spotify & Apple

The Blue Canoe is a fun opportunity for Dustin and I to stop the mindless scrolling as we crash on the couch and take some time to chat. Its a look behind the scenes, is totally unscripted, and we never know where the river is going to take us.

The Blue Canoe Podcast #32 - Whip It Good

Jump on in the Blue Canoe and join Dustin and Jennifer as they chat about Halloween costumes, cabbage night, sending things through the mail, adrenaline rushes, and the lives we lived before, plus more.

You can listen on your favorite podcasting apps including Spotify & Apple

The Blue Canoe is a fun opportunity for Dustin and I to stop the mindless scrolling as we crash on the couch and take some time to chat. Its a look behind the scenes, is totally unscripted, and we never know where the river is going to take us.

The Blue Canoe Podcast #31 - Just For the Music with Brian

This week Jen’s brother Brian joins us on the podcast to chat about all things music.

You can listen on your favorite podcasting apps including Spotify & Apple

The Blue Canoe is a fun opportunity for Dustin and I to stop the mindless scrolling as we crash on the couch and take some time to chat. Its a look behind the scenes, is totally unscripted, and we never know where the river is going to take us.

The Blue Canoe Podcast #30 - Parenting Twins with Penny

Our very first guest paddled down the river with us this week.  We talked all the things about parenting twins and learned what its like splitting time. Jump on in and join us.

You can listen on your favorite podcasting apps including Spotify & Apple

The Blue Canoe is a fun opportunity for Dustin and I to stop the mindless scrolling as we crash on the couch and take some time to chat. Its a look behind the scenes, is totally unscripted, and we never know where the river is going to take us.

The Blue Canoe Podcast #29 - Season Two Begins

Dustin and Jennifer jump back into the Blue canoe for season two. This week we chat about parks and zoos, Emma's favorite class, living in a small town, eye exams, donations and more. 

You can listen on your favorite podcasting apps including Spotify & Apple

The Blue Canoe is a fun opportunity for Dustin and I to stop the mindless scrolling as we crash on the couch and take some time to chat. Its a look behind the scenes, is totally unscripted, and we never know where the river is going to take us.

It's the small things that matter

When my mom passed away it was my mailbox that brought me unexpected joy. My boss knew my love for snail mail and rather send one card that everyone signed she had my co-workers fill out individual cards and mailed them over time. What a gift during an incredibly dark time. Each day I had something to look forward to. Going to check the mail became a bright spot and reading every single card filled my heart with love and support.

It was a small gesture of kindness but it had an enormous impact on me. In fact, it was the catalyst for the Love Notes Fairy Project. During that time I felt enveloped in love and knew that anyone going through a difficult time deserved to feel that way.

I put out the call not knowing if anyone would be willing to sign up for such a project but I was blown away. Name after name rolled in. So many folks were willing to spread love and kindness without looking for anything in return. It showed me how much goodness there is out in the world, something we need to be reminded of sometimes.

I have been hosting the Love Notes Fairy Project for nine years and over 360 people have been the recipient of snail mail LOVE. I know that small acts of kindness matter and have a ripple effect. Each note sent makes a difference and has an enormous impact on the recipient.

Yes, the small things matter! It doesn’t take a lot of time to send a note but it truly is a gift. I invite you to sign up to be a Love Note Fairy to spread a bit of kindness and compassion. And, if you know someone who could use that love, nominate them today!