Podcast #84 - Birth Story {part two}

In today’s episode, I share the second part of the story of bringing baby girl into the world. What it was like after I left the recovery and finally getting to hold her for the very first time.

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I invite you to come on over to the Soul Circle Community and join the conversation. You can show up exactly as you are and you will be embraced with love and kindness. The community needs the light that only you shine in this world.

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if I knew then what I know now

If I knew then what I know now
I would be a lot kinder to myself
Dropping the judgment and layering on the love
I would listen to my intuition
And leave behind the criticism of others
I would stand tall in who I am
Head held high, shoulders back, a smile on my face
I wouldn’t worry what others thought
But did what my heart desired
I would laugh out loud
Dance in the aisles of the grocery store
Chat with strangers
Share my stories
Go on more trips
Seek out new places
Give lots of hugs
Spend more time connecting rather than cleaning
If I knew then what I know now
I would worry less
Trust more
And show up sparkling in the world

If I knew then what I know now

This is the first writing prompt for this round of the Love Notes Postcard Project. How would you respond? Share in the comments below.

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
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Podcast #83 - Birth Story {part one}

In today’s episode, I share the story of bringing baby girl into the world. It didn’t go at all how I expected it to but isn’t that how everything goes in life. This is part one. Tune in next week for part two.

You can listen on your favorite podcasting apps including Spotify, Apple & Google

If you enjoy the podcast I would love and appreciate it if you shared it with a friend or left a review.


I invite you to come on over to the Soul Circle Community and join the conversation. You can show up exactly as you are and you will be embraced with love and kindness. The community needs the light that only you shine in this world.

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Podcast #82 - I'm Back

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It has been a couple of months since I have sat down in front of the microphone. As I hit record all those nervous jitters and butterflies flutter. it felt like it was the first time again.

One thing I know for certain is that we can never wait for perfection because there is no perfect time, perfect piece, perfect anything. Getting something done is better than not sharing it at all because you are trying to shape it into something impossible. So here I am, back behind the microphone perfectly imperfect.

In today’s episode, I share what I have been up to since my last podcast at the end of June. So much has happened and I have learned many, many things. What has surprised me the most is that the lessons I am learning in motherhood don’t only apply to being a mom, rather they apply to all humans.

Thank you for tuning in. To walking and sharing this journey with me. As I say at the beginning of every podcast; we can do so much more together than we ever could alone. Being together is what helps me get through.

I invite you to come on over to the Soul Circle Community and join the conversation. You can show up exactly as you are and you will be embraced with love and kindness. The community needs the light that only you shine in this world.

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Podcast #81 - Listen to Your Heart

In today’s episode, I share how important it is to tune in to who you are. See your absolute radiance and listen deeply to your heart.

Join the conversion over in the free Soul Circle Community


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Podcast #80 - One Month to Go

In today’s episode, I share heading into the final month of pregnancy. What I have learned, what I want to hold onto, and all about the scary unknowns.

Join the conversion over in the free Soul Circle Community


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If you enjoy the podcast I would love and appreciate it if you shared it with a friend or left a review.

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