stepping into life
You can get anywhere
At any time
Even if you do not know where you are going
All you have to do
Is take that first step
You know what that step is
It is the one that is difficult to take
The one where fear shouts its terrible words at you
Restricting you from moving forward
But once you push the fear aside
Surrender to the unknown
Let go
And just see where the ride takes you
You are off on an adventure
And you forget what was holding you back all this time
There are many means of transportation
Each giving us a different perspective
Each leading us on a new adventure
Sometimes we may fly high above everything
Looking down on what is below
So small
So tiny
Bringing us a new perspective
Other times we need to go below
Under the cloak of darkness
Moving cautiously
Looking around
Figuring it all out on our own
No matter what mode of transportation you use
What is important is that you are in motion
Taking hold of your dreams and going for
Climbing over obstacles
Taking out the map when you get lost
Pretending to know what we you doing, even when you haven't a clue
Constantly moving
There is no destination
No one place to arrive
It is about the journey along the way
Embracing the unexpected
Connecting with the people you meet
Laughing at yourself
Creating memories and carving a smile into your heart
It is about doing what you love
Listening to what speaks to
And going for it
Not holding back
But surrendering to the path that unfolds before you
It may seem scary
But know that we all feel fear
We all do not know what is coming next
We are all in this together
Here for each other
Supporting one another
Loving each other
So take that first step today
The step you know you have to take
I am right there beside you
Holding your hand
Cheering you on
Just like I know you are here beside me