roller coaster ride of emotions
I am an emotional creature
Feelings affect me deeply
Happiness and sadness
Raising me up and dragging me down
At times it can feel like a roller coaster ride
Never knowing what the next turn will bring
Intense highs and plummeting lows
With many twist and turns
I am terrified of roller coasters
I hate that feeling that comes in the pit of my stomach
But I have been known to give them a try
Unsure of where they will take me
I jump on
Even though I know it may lead to tears
My emotions ride through me
The light and the dark
Each showing their face
With me guessing when they will arrive
When the lightness is within me
I am shining, brilliant
A smile dancing across my face
But then the darkness takes over
And I feel like I will never make it out
Staring off into the abyss
Struggling to find the light
The only thing to do is ride it through
Embracing the twist and turns
Allowing the tracks to take me
To my next destination
and coming off the ride
Stronger, braver, more confidante in myself