upside down
You look at the world and only see what is in front of you
Keeping your eyes glued to what can fit into the box you hold
You do not think that anything is possible
You limit your dreams
You only believe in what you see
You stick with what you know
You stay where it is safe
You say that I am living dangerously
Jumping off a cliff blindfolded
You say that I not only look outside the box
But I see a box that is not even there
And when you spoke those word it was not a compliment
But that is not how my ears heard it
You think it is silly for me to dream up wild ideas
To believe that I can achieve anything
You do not understand why I can look at life so positively
You are waiting for me to make the leap
Before you even begin to dream
You think I am crazy for risking my heart
Putting myself out there
Walking the fine line between devastation and elation
You do not understand why I do it
You stand before this world and only receive what you are given
You do not go out and seek what can be found
You keep puttering along
Content, but not happy
You sit on the sidelines watching me dream big
And even though you think me a fool
I will continue to walk down this dangerous path
To feel life with my whole heart
And open up my soul to the world
I will continue to submerge myself in what moves me
Laugh out loud
And dream what you consider to be the impossible dream
** this moment in time brought my life theme song
back to the front of my mind. Do you have a theme song for your life?