Love Notes Post Card Project :: won't YOU join us?
It was a year ago that I hosted the very first Love Notes Post Card project. When I started this project I had no idea the journey it would take me on and I am so grateful to be getting ready for another fantastic round. We would love for YOU to be a part of it. Head on over to
to sign up!
The Love Notes Post Card project gives you the opportunity to send and receive mail, real mail. When was the last time you opened your mailbox and was delighted by what was inside? The Post Card Project changes that by matching you up with someone for three weeks of postcard writing and sending fun.
How it works:
The Love Notes Post Card Project will run for three weeks :: June 16th - July 6th.
* Each Sunday you will receive a writing prompt delivered to your inbox
* Take time to respond to the writing prompt on a post card
* Before the week ends drop your post card in the mail for your fellow love note participant who you are paired up with, and be surprised the day a post card arrives for you
It is as simple as that.
I choose postcards for this project because of there small size and less intimidating writing space. You only need to write a few sentences. Postcards can be bought, made, or you can even send a notecard if you do not have a postcard.
You will be paired up with a fellow Love Note participant who will be sending love notes your way. Unfortunately I cannot 100% guarantee they will send out their postcards, but my hope in my heart is that they do.
Life flies by at warp speed sometimes. Seldom do we take the time to slow down, savor the moment, and reflect on what is really happening in our world. The Love Notes Post Card Project invites you to pause, sink into the moment, and write words from the heart ~ on an actual piece of paper. Words that will brighten someones day and spread sunshine to all the hands it passes through.
Won't you join us?
If this sounds like something you are interested in, head on over to
to sign up.
Then between June 14th and June 15th you will receive and email from with the name of the person you are paired up with. On June 16th you will receive your first writing prompt.
If you have any questions about the project please feel free to email me at
Please note if you have signed up for previous Post Card Projects you will need to sign up again to get in on this round.
I am really looking forward to watching all of this unfold and hope that YOU will be a part of it.