Love Notes traveling over oceans
Round 3 of Love Notes began today and I am in awe of all the international participants. When I stumbled over my blog stats and saw that people from places like the United Kingdom, Australia, and Czech Republic were visiting the Love Notes page I thought maybe it was just some technological mix up. But it appears that it may actually be true.
This round of Love Notes we have individuals participating from: USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Norway, Serbia, Scotland, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.
AMAZING! I am blown away. I love how the internet has pulled us all together and how we will be sharing our handwriting, words from our heart, and a tangible piece of paper across oceans and to different countries. So incredibly amazing!
I am so excited for this round of Love Notes and look forward to all that will unfold. Thank you to all the participants. Its going to be good, so good.