Love Notes Special Request
My heart goes out to all of those affected by the terrible tragedy that occurred in Newtown Connecticut. I have not seen any news coverage of the event. I have not wanted to. Just hearing what happened was heartbreak enough. It is terrible that a place we think our children are safe turned into a nightmare of terrors.
In moments like this we want to do something. Reach out. Help in any way we can. And although there is nothing we can do to bring back the innocent lives that were lost we can reach out and let others know that they are not alone. Let them know that we are standing along side them in their heartbreak.
Love Notes is about sharing words of Love through the mail. And in a tragic time like this those words are needed.
The United States Postal Service has set up a Post Office Box for the public to send its condolences to Newtown. If you feel inclined to share some Love I know the town would appreciate it.
You can send your cards and letters to
P.O. Box 3700
Newtown, CT 06470