see you soon
What you should know
Is that I am terrible at saying goodbye
Especially when a good friend is leaving
I usually avoid it, quietly slipping away
Unsure of what to say in those last few moments
It feels to permanent to me
It is tough to see it all change
Here one day, gone the next
Daily routines altered
Life moving on at a quick pace
My life has recently changed
A good friend from work is going on a new adventure
I am proud of him for making the leap
Excited to see what doors will be opening up for him
But I am sad to see him go
We had great conversations
We kept each other in check and grounded
And he talked me down form the ledge a couple of times
We got coffee together every morning
And shared more than a few lunches
He was a part of my daily routine
A constant in the ever changing dynamic at work
We would talk, and listen
Dig deep, and laugh
We became good friends
It is going to be different tomorrow morning
When I walk down the hallway seeing his empty desk
Knowing he is off learning, growing, becoming
I am proud of him, and excited for him
And wish him the best of luck on his new adventure
Life moves by quickly
Constantly changing
It is important to appreciate the moments
Right when you are in them, stop and soak them in
Because one day it will be different
And as you know
I am terrible at saying goodbye
So we didn't say it
Instead we said
See you soon