Jennifer Belthoff

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the magic

There is magic in the air

And this time of year always brings me back to 2008

The year that my life changed courses forever

The year my eyes were opened up to a whole new world

And my heart was opened up to a whole new kind of love

Magic, swirling around

Enveloping me with hope

Nudging me forward

And kindly encouraging me to step deeply into myself

The woods was a safe haven for me

To show up, as I was

Not all put together

Scattered, bruised, and unsure of the path I was traveling

The woods accepted all of me.

There was magic pulling me in

And it held me gently

Each year at this time my mind travels back

To the paths I walked

The smiles from strangers

The kindness in the eyes of those I just met

New friendships were forming

A new understanding of me was taking shape

At the time I had no idea that those woods would change my life forever

I had no idea the power that magic held in this life

But it does

And I am living proof

I was once afraid of the world

And now I stand fearlessly in front of it

Embracing all that comes my way

And those friendships that were formed under the stars

They help to guide me on my path

And remind me of what lies deep within me

I am forever grateful for the magic that the woods held

How it enveloped me with safety

And opened my eyes to a loving way of living