Friendship heals us
It moves us through life
Lifting us up when we need it the most
Giving us a shoulder to lean on when we feel we cannot stand on our own
Beautiful friendships make the days brighter
Struggles not seem so insurmountable
And they fill our life with laughter and light
With a friend you do not even have to say a word
They know when you need them
And they swoop right in
Taking the time to have lunch with you,
when they could have just headed home
Creating postcards and dropping them in the mail,
so they arrive when you least expect it but need it the most
Sending little messages that appear in the palm of your hand,
putting a smile on your face no matter where you stand
Friends fill you up
Together you create memories that live deep within each of you
They listen to you
Never judge you
But stand beside you
Even in your darkest moments,
they simply hold your hand letting you know they are there
In a world where we cannot rely on many things
One thing for certain is our friendships
Taking the time to nurture them is important
Letting a friend know you care is valuable
With out my friends I would be a shell of myself
Wandering aimlessly through this world
I am so blessed to have connected deeply with my friends
And to have the opportunity to savor the memories we create together
Thank you dear friends
for standing beside me
Watching me grow and cheering me on
Thank you for listening
For nurturing me
And swooping in when I didn't even know I needed you
You make my world a bright place