"your good"
"your good" he says
When I am deep down in the trenches
Unsure of how I will find my way out
Struggling, fighting, blinded by the road ahead
"your good" he says
When I think I cannot take another step
Exhaustion setting in
Thoughts of failure overtaking my confidence
"your good" he says
When I feel defeated
My hope has dwindled
And I am struggling to see myself
No matter where I am
he says "your good"
And he is right
I am good
If I am deep in the trenches
Struggling to take another step
or fighting to keep hope alive
I am good
In that moment
Where ever I am
I am exactly where I need to be
I am good
I have worked hard to get to that point
and pushed myself forward
I have been on the constant look out for how to take the next step
And when I find it I forge right ahead and take it
I may not be where I want to be
I may wish to be further along on the journey
I may stumble and I may fall
But wherever I am, I am good