Photo Exploration Day Five
From Saturday)
Stopping for a moment on my drive to take in the sunset. What a magical experience. We should all take a moment to stop and look at the beauty that surrounds us.
When I was driving Cross Country I saw the most beautiful skies, wonderful sunsets, and amazing clouds. I didn't understand why the sky was so beautiful across the country and why it wasn't like that where I lived. We all live under the same sky, don't we?
The one day it hit me. We do all live under the same sky. The only difference is houses, power lines, and tall buildings get in the way of the sky here. I am also so busy doing and going that I don't take the time to actually sit and take it all in.
It is nice to take it all in. To experience the beauty around you. Soak it up. Pause, even for just a moment and see how what beauty you can seek out in the every day.