your heart beats on
Your heart is strong
It knows how to push on, get by, and get through
Your heart is so much tougher than you give it credit for
It can survive the deepest heartache and soak in incredible elation
Your heart loves laughter, joy, and deep emotion
It longs to connect, to be seen, to be tended to
Your heart is always whispering to you
Letting you know you are ok
Reassuring your mind with each decision you make
Your heart knows
It beats without question
It is there every step of the way
Even when it is struggling through deep pain and sorrow your heart beats on
It provides the rhythm for you to take your next step forward
It will catch you when you fall and help you stand back up
You heart never forgets how to love, but sometimes it is afraid to put itself on the line
Yet time after time it does, even in the face of fear
Lessons are learned, memories are made, and your heart grows stronger and stronger
Listen to it's inner whispers
Don't fear the pain that may come
Know that no matter what your heart will beat on
It may shatter, but it always comes back together again
And it always knows how to love