deep in grief
I stand here still deep in grief
Unsure of how to process it all
It was just a year ago that we learned how sick she was, and now she is gone
I stand here in shock how quickly it all happened
How young she was
How unprepared we all were
I never thought about a time when she wouldn't be around
We always joked that I was going to put her in a home
And she told me to tell her when she was acting like my grandma
We never had the chance to go through those moments
And now I cling to the memories
Like a life line reminding me of all that was
We never know when our life is going to change
We make plans, we dream, we hope
But there is no guarantee
I see her in everything
The way the sky creates colorful stunning sunsets
Feathers found, songs heard
She isn't here with us in person
But I feel her
And write her letters to tell her what is going on
It still doesn't feel real
But we hold onto each other
And share our stories of her
One moment at a time
A deep breathe in
A heart full of love
She may be gone, but she is still with us