braving the blues :: getting outside
The hours spent indoors during the week weighs heavy on my heart. I seem to be unable to remember the last time I saw the sun. The air is crisp, but I knew I needed to get outside. Nature heals me. It brings me back to center and reminds me of the goodness that this world has to offer.
During the week I lose my motivation to get outside. Leaving for work in the dark and coming home in the dark pulls all the energy I had stored up from my soul. The chill in the air pushes me to want to curl up under the covers and drift off into dream world.
With my camera in hand I am pushed to walk beyond the four walls of my home and into the world. I get to experience the beauty that is living and breathing right outside my door. The camera forces me to slow down, breathe deep, and seek out moments to capture. Taking photos reminds me to savor the opportunity for this moment even if the air is freezing.
I am so grateful to have a partner in crime who will step out into the cold with me and capture the things we find. I love going on photo walks with him because we each come home with different images in our cameras. He is drawn to the bigger scene and I am drawn to the details. Even if we are looking at the same thing we both capture different angles. I love seeing the contrast between our photos and what the other was drawn to.
The winter challenges me. It takes work for me to stay creative and feel inspired. This year I have mentally prepared myself by making a list of ten ways to prepare for the blues. These words are tucked into my heart and have set me off on the right foot mentally. Having this small list and being more conscious of battling the blues has helped me navigate this journey. Sharing it with others has reminded me that I am not alone on these battle grounds.
I have also been using instagram to share my moments in hopes of inspiring others to brave the blues as well. Sometimes just seeing a photo of something someone is doing gets me inspired and takes me out of my funk. You can find my images through the hashtag #bravingtheblues
I invite you to join me in braving the blues. Tag your photos and together we will bravely step through winter and create beautiful memories along the way. What are your go to self care moments to get you through the winter?