and the day came
And the day came when you knew you could no longer play it safe
You had to live out loud
Chase your dreams at full force
And just do it
And the day came when you knew standing still wasn't an option
You had to pick up your feet and run
Even if you didn't know how
You had to trust
And the day came when you said yes
Even when your shy self wanted to slowly slink away
You held your head high
And jumped right in
And the day came when the world opened its arms
It had always been waiting for you
And now it saw that you were ready
It scooped you in gentle and nudged you forward
And the day came when it was no longer a dream
But life, yes your life
You made it happen
You followed your heart
And the day came when you could finally see it
The long journey
The tears, the struggles, the laughter, the love
And the goodness...oh the goodness that now engulfed you
And the day came when you knew you could keep on going
Living this dream that is now your life
Open, free, beautiful
The one you created, yes you