Jennifer Belthoff

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showing up

It is not easy to choose to live wide open
To wear your heart on your sleeve
Share you truest desires
Show up, and try something new

It is not easy to put yourself out there
To take a risk
To go after it
To see what will unfold from your choice

It is not easy

But we do it
Time and time again we show up
Unsure, legs shaky
Never fully ready

We jump in
Because we know we cannot live closed up
We know we have to try to see what could be
We know to risk means to live

When we cocoon ourselves in
We shut out the possibility
Close ourselves off from opportunity
Hide our light that needs to shine

If you never risk you never know

Along the way there will be bumps in the road
Moments of total failure and perceived embarrassment
Our heart will sink, the tears will fall, we will be crushed
But we will still be able to move on

We will lean on our loved ones
Allow the hurt to wash over us
Trust the process
And begin again

We will not allow a speed bump to steer us off course

Continue on we do
And the magic finds us
Our dreams unfold
And when we least expect it we are shining brilliantly

Sometimes it is even better than we hoped for
We feel alive, exploding with happiness
Our heart is exactly where it should be
And we know the journey was worth it

This is why we show up time and time again
This is why we risk vulnerability
This is why we lean in, speaking our truth and asking for help
This is why we never give up

The course may change
The journey may seem trying
But along the way, the pieces fall together
The true nature of your dream reveals itself to you